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Monday, 22 July 2013


  Raj       Monday, 22 July 2013

         Sabarmati ashram was the Shri Mohandas karamchand Gandhi’s Home when he was fighting against britishars for India’s independence. And because of that This Sabarmati ashram is also known as Gandhi ashram. In this article I am going to tell you brief history of Sabarmati ashram and some interesting facts of this ashram. So let us start with the location of Sabarmati ashram.
sabarmati ashram

Address of Sabarmati ashram

Ashram road,
Near the bank of Sabarmati river,
3 monkeys of gandhiji

Brief History of Sabarmati ashram

         First of all let me tell you that Sabarmati ashram is also known as some other names which are satyagrah ashram, Harijan ashram, and Gandhi ashram. Originally Sabarmati ashram was known as satyagrah which was established at Kocharab Bungalow of jivanlal desai in 1915. He was friend of Gandhi. After some times Mahatma Gandhi realized that this ashram is too small for doing their activity. Because of that Mahatma Gandhi started to search new place where he can shift this ashram. In 1917 Gandhi found a big space near to ban of Sabarmati River. Mahatma Gandhi told that this is the right place where they can do their activities regularly. So in 1917 Satyagrah ashram was relocated and it became famous as Sabarmati ashram. This ashram is near to the ban of Sabarmati River and because of this reason it is known as Sabarmati ashram.  So It is the Brief History of Sabarmati Ashram. But does anybody know what the situation of Sabarmati ashram at present is? Let me tell you something about present situation of this ashram.

Present of Sabarmati ashram

        Sabarmati ashram is still making handmade papers, handicrafts, and spinning wheels. Actually this ashram becomes museum at present which is known as Gandhi smarak sangrahalay. In this Museum pictorial record of Many events of Mahatma Gandhi’s life is available. Time duration for visit Sabarmati ashram is 8:30 am to 6:30 pm while in between april to September closing time is exceed up to 7:00 pm. There is no charge taken for visit Sabarmati ashram.  Sound and light show is being organized at every night in English, hindi and Gujarati languages with some little charge. As much I know Sabarmati ashram is one of the famous tourist attractions of Ahmedabad.
Mahatma gandhi

           So friends these all are about Sabarmati ashram. In this article I told you about History of Sabarmati ashram as well as about present situation of Sabarmati ashram. If you are interested in historical places and yet not visited this ashram then I would like to personally suggest you about this Sabarmati ashram.

          “ I hope this article is helpful to you. Don’t forget to follow us by E-mail for get the great historical stories in your mailbox.”  


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